داستان آبیدیک

peacemaking viewpoint


1 علوم اجتماعی و جامعه شناسی:: دیدگاه صلح طلبانه

Fuller's book Criminal Justice: A Peacemaking Perspec- tive and Michael Braswell, John Fuller and Bo Lozoff's book, Corrections, Peacemaking and Restorative Justice: Transforming Individuals and Institu- tions, to further comprehend the peacemaking viewpoint. Fuller's Criminal Justice: A Peacemaking Perspective gives a peacemaking viewpoint to criminal justice. Fuller points out that a peacemaking viewpoint to criminal justice rejects capital punishment on the grounds of social justice. Braswell, Fuller and Lozoff point out that a peacemaking viewpoint draws from a variety of ancient wisdom and religious traditions including Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism and Native Braswell, Fuller and Lozoff's Corrections, Peacemaking and Restorative Justice notes that restorative justice programs (such as victim-offender rec- onciliation programs, family group conferencing and victim offender panels) exemplify a peacemaking viewpoint.

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